Our Vision

We envision a world where individuals, families, and nations clearly understand, joyfully embrace, and gladly live out the Christian worldview, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in every sphere of life.

Here’s what we believe it will look like.

It is a cool Saturday morning. The Daniel family is sitting at the table for breakfast. They are a Christian family. The father is the classic example of a servant leader: selfless, caring, and always looking out for the good of his family and others. Mrs Daniel is the capable and gifted co-pilot who skilfully directs the affairs of her family like the woman Solomon wrote about in Proverbs 31.

They seek to build a godly family which will reflect God’s glory to their neighbourhood. And Mr Daniel, with help of his graceful wife, leads the whole family in this direction. Their home is highly regarded as a school for charity, selflessness, industry, creativity, and responsibility.

The children are adorable. Trained early to delight in God’s word, they are continuously in pursuit of holiness. The commanding virtue of their lives is love for God and for their neighbours.

The family belongs to a local church noted for its faithfulness to the gospel and the presence of the Holy Spirit’s power. The church worships according to a pattern grounded in gratitude, sincerity, reverence, and faithful obedience. As a community, the church seeks to equip every member for ministry, stirring up and encouraging the gifts in each person, encouraging bonding and sharing among everyone, and helping every person to stand as a beacon of joy, truth, and hope in their respective callings and communities. Mindful of the mission of the whole Church, this local church is active in evangelism and discipleship, eager to bring up everyone to the ‘measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ’ (Eph. 4:13). She takes seriously her responsibility to the neighbourhood by partnering with other congregations in serving and ministering to the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, and the suffering, thus bearing witness to the gospel not only in words but also in deed.

Through the influence of believers, the city has also been greatly transformed.

There is a recognised distinction between right and wrong in the mind of society, and these are as defined by God’s own character. Society is not anti-God nor does it operate as though man is supreme. People have come to accept that they belong to God and that his word (the Bible) should direct all they do. Furthermore, a lot of them have believed that Jesus Christ is the Saviour who came to redeem themselves and the rest of humanity.

A lot of workers serve with industry and excellence, fashioning out workplaces that are wholesome and fruitful.

Government officials work to achieve a system that is good, just, and efficient for all citizens.

The society recognizes the necessity of sound, moral laws, and of a limited government which does not obstruct but rather promotes the true liberty of the people. The government is not a welfare state; rather several organizations and institutions have been established which cater for the needs of the poor, the homeless, and other underprivileged groups in the society.

Laws are few and crime is low. The courts are well run, and the legal system is respectable. Because the people have come to believe that an unjust law is no law, the legislators are careful to enact only laws which are both just and necessary.

The arts and sciences are alive as avenues for exploring truth and beauty to the glory of God and the flourishing of the community.

Education is understood as the responsibility of the family (not the government) and it is coordinated as such. It is actively promoted as the nurture and cultivation of truth, goodness, and beauty in light of God’s revelation, with many Christian believers and organizations heavily involved. There is an endless variety in the methods and structures, but all tend towards the same end: bringing up the individual in the way he should go.

The economy is largely a free market, with only minimal regulation by trade associations and professional bodies (and in a few cases by the Government). Economic freedom is, however,  understood to go hand in hand with moral virtue.

It is not a perfect system, though. Sin and its effects still remain in individuals and the society. So the community of believers earnestly looks forward to the return of Christ Jesus when he will renew all things and establish a new earth and a new heaven in which righteousness dwells.

This is our vision at The Christian Mind.